Robert M. Gordon
Fellow of American PSychological Association
Robert M. Gordon Ph.D. ABPP is a Diplomate of Clinical Psychology and a Diplomate of Psychoanalysis, and served on the governing council of the American Psychological Association. He was president of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association and received its Distinguished Service Award. He was elected Honorary Member of the American Psychoanalytic Association. He teaches personality assessment to doctoral students, and teaches in the China American Psychoanalytic Alliance. He authored many scholarly articles and books in the areas of ethics, the MMPI-2, psychotherapy, relationships, forensic psychology, personality assessment, diagnoses, the Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual, a PDM-2 editor and researcher, and co-author of the Psychodiagnostic Chart. Dr. Gordon is rated by ResearchGate as a top researcher.
Research Interest
Criminal responsibility, Mental state, Competency to stand trial, Capital mitigation evaluations, Juvenile transfer evaluations, Sentencing evaluations, Malingering and deception, Testamentary capacity, Personal injury and emotional distress claims,Malpractice — plaintiff and defense, Sexual offender evaluations, Risk assessment