Verena Hein
4academy, Germany
Title: Implications of the polyvagal-theory for counseling, coaching and therapy and a new concept for the activation of the social engagement system
Biography: Verena Hein
Counseling, coaching and short-term therapy became more and more popular in Germany. The problems, wishes, requirements are varying in a wide range as well as the personalities, fates and experiences of the clients. It is challenging to build up a trustful client-coach-relationship in several hours, sort the demands of the clients, identify the main problem and root cause, find the best fitting technique and accompany the client through the process. Some clients report serious life events, negative experiences, irrational behavior and anxiety. Sometimes clients change their view on their problems, have strong negative emotions, produce transference, feel fury and become unstable during the coaching process. Although this is a progress it lowers the capability of the client for effective goal-oriented work and cost time. The Polyvagal-Theory describes the three stages of the autonomous system the frozen state (dorsal vagus nerve), the flight-fight state (sympathicus) and the social engagement system SES (ventral vagus nerve) activation. Clients exhibit a preferred activation state for example the permanent action-oriented/fight mode of workaholic. The problems which suffer a client are mostly coupled with one of the flight-fight-freeze stress reaction which means with the dorsal vagus nerve or sympathicus activation. For the coaching process which bases on positive social interaction and re-learning with positive emotions the SES state is the most effective. This state can be reached quite quickly by safety mediating instructions and embodiment techniques which activates the SES related brain nerves. In contradiction to existing procedures positive affirmations and relaxation will not be used in the beginning of the process. The paper will explain the implications of the Polyvagal-Theory for effective short-term counseling (coaching) and therapy investigations and it will present a concept for the activation of the SES in an early stage of the work with the clients.
Figure: 1: EmpAtECS ® to change psychological states.